Vi er glade for å presentere et arrangement fra vår vennskaps-organisasjon Hagamos El Cambio, der 8 fantastiske kvinner med forskjellig bakgrunn forteller om sine erfaringer og drømmer.
Les invitasjonen, og litt om formålet nedenfor. Arrangementet holdes online, og billettene koster 30 kroner. Overskuddet går til Hagamos el Cambio og deres prosjekter.
Her er deres konto-informasjon hvis du ønsker å støtte dem direkte:

Dear Friends!!
We are the Lets Make the change Foundation, that has the main goal to work with malnutrition and underroushment.
We are helping children, adolescents and elderly. We will give support in many areas such as:
- Nutrition
- Medicine
- Psicology
- Odontology
- Oftalmology
- Phisical rehabilitation
- Social work
And as soon our beneficiary have better health they will learn a sport or art.
Now we are organizing an online event called Wonderful Women, were 8 women that has create a huge impact in the community will talk about their experiences and dreams.
So if you want to see it, go to
Or if you want to support us please make a direct donation.